Oceana Volunteer Fire Department

Serving All the Citizens of Virginia Beach

Volunteer Opportunities

Member applications are accepted year-round by contacting Chief Wayne Richardson.


Active members are required to provide a minimum of 36 hours of service monthly on a schedule determined by your submitted availability. Member participation will include 3, 12-hour Duty Crew shifts (1800-0600 hours), as well as scheduled meetings, and drills.


Oceana Volunteer Fire Department, incorporated in 1948, is the only remaining active volunteer fire organization within the City of Virginia Beach.

Mission Statement

In conjunction with the Virginia Beach Fire Department, The Oceana Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. is a customer service organization partnering with communities, members, citizens, and visitors to foster the feeling of safety any place, any time, through planning, mitigation, response, and restoration.


Oceana Volunteer Fire Department accepts donations through Paypal.